Amphibians (frogs, toads and newts)
Symptom Identifier
Skin and body abnormalities
Parasitic abnormalities
‘Where did the frogs go? And why?’
Comedian, author, writer and frog enthusiast Stephen Fry narrates the Zoological Society of London’s new animation that shows the devastating impact Ranavirus disease has on British frogs.
Best Practice Advice
Disease factsheets
Symptom Identifier
Fluffed up appearance, food stuck to beak
Growth(s) on legs or feet
Growth(s) on head or body
Great tit infected with avian pox virus (©Steve Harris)
Goldfinch that is having difficulty swallowing (©Stephen Pettit).
Gallery of deformed beaks (©BTO).
Pair of fluffed up, fast-breathing Blue tits (©Mary Lindsey).
Greenfinch that is having difficulty swallowing (©Tony Whitehead, RSPB).
Best Practice Advice
Disease factsheets
Symptom Identifier
Skin and coat abnormalities
External parasites